February 2, 2010

Cabin Fever

So....today is Groundhog Day and of course, 6 more weeks of winter. I am not a fan of Winter at all~I am more a spring, summer, and fall kind of girl. Thankfully we are taking a road trip to Florida in just about 5 weeks. I cannot express how excited I am for this. The kids have never been anywhere before and I cannot wait to show them the ocean. Ahhh one week in Florida~if only March 12th would arrive I would be a happy girl. It's been crazy at home lately...especially since we cannot just go outside for a walk or to the park to get out. Chloe has been tripping over her own feet lately and this is something new. It is starting to concern me so if it keeps up then I may have to take her to Dr. Kathie to make sure she is ok. She has flat foot, which they do not treat anymore, and she has been fine but now is falling a lot. We'll see how it goes.

Well, I hear the kids calling my name~
Until next time...

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